Marie antoinette gateau - recipe

Marie antoinette gateau

  • Prepare

  • Serves

  • Cook

  • Skill



For the meringue

For the mousse

For the velour chocolate

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  1. 1

    Preheat the oven to 120°C (100°C fan, 250°F).

  2. 2

    In a large bowl mix the egg whites and sugar in a heatproof bowl over simmering water until you reach a temperature of 45°C or the sugar is completely dissolved.

    For this step you'll need:

    • 7 Egg white(s) (free range)
    • 375g Unrefined golden caster sugar
  3. 3

    Transfer into a standup mixer or large mixing bowl and whisk until the mixture is light and fluffy, then fold in the cocoa powder.

    For this step you'll need:

    • 75g Cocoa powder
  4. 4

    Pipe the meringue into discs on to a lined baking tray making sure they are not too deep and bake for 2 hours in the preheated oven.

  5. 5

    To make the milk chocolate mousse, melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over simmering water or in a microwave. Microwave in short bursts, stirring to avoid the chocolate burning.

    For this step you'll need:

    • 400g Milk chocolate
  6. 6

    In a saucepan heat up the milk, add the soft gelatine and stir until dissolved. Pour gently over the melted chocolate.

    For this step you'll need:

    • 200ml Milk (whole)
    • 2 Gelatine leaves soaked in cold water
  7. 7

    Let the mixture cool down to at least 35°C, 40°C temp. Fold the cream in gently.

    For this step you'll need:

    • 400ml Cream whipping
  8. 8

    To build the cake layer it alternatively with the meringue disk and mousse. Freeze the cake, ideally overnight until solid.

  9. 9

    To spray the cake with a velvet chocolate covering, melt together the chocolate and cocoa butter in a heatproof bowl or in a microwave.

    For this step you'll need:

    • 700g Dark chocolate melted
    • 250g Cocoa butter
  10. 10

    Sift to remove any parts and insert into a spray gun that has been warmed in the oven at 40°C. Heating the gun ensures that the chocolate does not solidify inside. Spray evenly across frozen cake until coated.

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