Noreen's Kitchen: How I Make Pizza, On the Cheap!

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Greetings! Every Thursday in our house is pizza night. Who doesn't love pizza? But pizza can sometimes be an expensive prospect. Our very favorite pizza place can cost up to 40 bucks for 2 extra large pies. Our other favorite joint makes a great carry out special and we can get a large 1 topping for less than 5 bucks. Needless to say, that is a very large difference. So we alternate and rotate ever three or four weeks. For instance, one week we will have "delivery" pizza and one week we will have frozen and the next week we will have homemade. This week its time to have homemade. Frankly, I would much rather make my own because the price is around 2 to 3 bucks a pie. You cannot beat that. Seriously, if you add up what it costs to make this from start to finish, you will be surprised at how dirt cheap this meal is to make.

My dough is not my own recipe, but one that was shared by my friend, bearlysceneranch2011. I adapted my breadstick recipe from her pizza dough recipe and also have developed a bunch of other uses for it as well, the possibilities are endless when you have a great dough to start with.

If you would like the recipe for this dough, check out her channel:

You can also see my bread stick recipe here:

I make the dough then allow it to rest for 10 minutes. I then divide it into 3 equal dough balls and press the dough into my pans. I also give the pans a bit of a spray with some cooking oil. It helps the dough not to stick. We top them as we like, here we made one 4 cheese pizza, one pepperoni pizza and our favorite barbecue chicken pizza.

I hope this give you some ideas on how you can still have the things you love without breaking the bank. A little forethought and little preparation and a little time in the kitchen will make you very happy in the end. You can even get your kids involved and make individual pizzas! This is also a great idea for your next kids party. What kid doesn't love making their own food? give them their own ball of dough, and set out toppings for them to create their own masterpiece. Put them on a baking sheet and bake them. They will be so proud and happy about making their own meal that they will eat every bite!

I hope you try this and I hope you love it! As always, Happy Eating!


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